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Body Diversity

Body diversity is a reality in society, our bodies and characteristics are what does not make us different from each other, even if all the people on the planet earth ate the same or exercised the same amount of time our anatomy would be completely different. Unfortunately, in the society in which we live, the prejudices and stigmas that people have about the human body are directly and indirectly seen. The mass communication media for years have transmitted very unrealistic physical characteristics to people, they classify women and men by social groups depending on their physiological particularities. However, it is a constant problem since from an early age the media dictate social regimes in terms of bodies, making this a problem from when they are children until the end of their life. The social pressure exerted on each individual is becoming greater and more evident, thus giving way to what is known as "body shaming". Body shaming, as its name indicates, is the action of making negative comments about your body to another person, even if you don't think it's possible, body shaming can also be self-performing, since making malicious comments about yourself feeds this new "trend". In the last 5 years, clothing brands have tried to generate changes in their advertising, accepting and receiving "different" body types on their catwalks and/or events. But the world of fashion is one of the companies that contain the most discrimination since its inception, the standards imposed by designers were so unreal in its beginnings that no human being could meet them 100%. So, this radical change in fashion makes us wonder if these companies really want to change the perspective of society or, it is just a marketing strategy to generate more money. Understanding that your body is unique and different encourages you to think more critically about harmful trends in the media. The human body is a miraculous creation, full of mysteries and unimaginable characteristics that no other living being contains, appreciate it and enjoy it. The different types of bodies create a personal brand that no one else has or will have. LOVE YOUR BODY.

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