Throughout history, the symbols and letters of the LGBTQ+ community have meant and continue to mean a lot. Here I will tell you about some of them. Let's start with the letters: L=Lesbian, G=Gay, B=Bisexual, T=Transgender, Q=Queer. These letters, although they seem very simple, are symbols that represent an identity, a community, and a family that has fought for years for their rights and for equality as human beings.
There are also various types of symbols such as the pink triangle that symbolizes the fight for gay rights. You can also find the bisexual flag, a flag with shades of magenta, blue, and lavender that represents attraction to heterosexuals and homosexuals. Among many other symbols that have been characterized by representing the fight for fundamental rights. However, a very important symbol of the LGBTQ+ community is the rainbow flag. This flag was designed by Gilbert Baker on June 25, 1978, whose colors are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet. But why are these so particular colors? According to Baker, her goal was to represent and express the diversity, beauty, and joy of the LGBTQ+ community. Each of the colors that the flag has has a specific focused sign. Red=Life, Orange=Health, Yellow=Sun, Green=Nature, Blue=Peace, Violet=Spirit.
Through the years all these symbols have been part of a meaning, of a movement for equality. All these symbols have a reason for being, they have a message between the lines, between their colors. These symbols represent power and strength, a force that will continue to grow and will ensure that our rights are respected, as the people that we are.
Bonus: In the following link you will find the song "Das lila lied", known as the first gay anthem.